Quality Standards

At this present time, the company focuses its attention to a number of quality related matters, including maintenance of the Quality Management System to the standards of FSSC 22000/BRC accreditation.
To instil an awareness of quality related issues among all staff members by means of improved training and understanding of the critical role which quality plays in the company's business.
The policies, organization and procedures detailed in the company Quality Manual are designed to achieve our quality goals in the most efficient manner.
The top management considers the quality aspects of the company's business to be of paramount importance, as only service which provides on-going customer satisfaction will guarantee the continuing success of the company.
The goal of the company is to achieve superior levels of customer satisfaction. The commitment of each member of our team to quality is essential to the realization of this goal. Quality is defined by our customer. There is a clear need, therefore, to accurately establish client's requirements, and to respond rapidly and effectively to meet them.